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Halfway in the World – A Selection from the Collection of the Ferenczy Museum Center

A világ közepe – Válogatás a szentendrei Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum gyűjteményébÅ‘l

temporary exhibition at ArtMill (MűvészetMalom) Szentendre, Hungary | 2016

Chief curator: Noémi Szabó

Co-curators: EmÅ‘ke Bodonyi, Lili Boros, András Herpai, Katalin Kopin & Zsófia Júlia Szilágyi 


“Hungary is predestined by its (geographical) position in Europe to act as a link between the West (French) and the East (Russian): we want to forge together what on these two poles are the cultural (artistic) manifestations of the two European types of man; we want to build bridges.” (A letter from Lajos Vajda to Júlia Richter, 1936)


The centre of the universe is an emotional place: everyone has it somewhere else. The spirit of Szentendre and its rich cultural past have always been capable of integrating and accommodating artists of the most diverse roots and stylistic convictions, which made the 120 years of art in the town an eminently important chapter in Hungarian art history.


Founded in 1951, the Ferenczy Museum (now Ferenczy Museum Center) has been a chronicler of this long history, with a collection policy that always held the documentation of living art in Szentendre a chief priority. Selecting from the collection, this exhibition was based on this priority. Of course, the history of visual art in the town is not a linear story, nor is its quality even. It is with this in mind that the display Halfway in the World attempted to reconsider the highlights of a collection that includes over ten thousand works.