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Optics/Chromatics​ | Optika/Kromatika

technique: paper, coloured plastic sheet, light, shadow | 2010

Goethe's 'Theory of Colours' appeared in 1810. On the occasion of the bicentennial anniversary of the book the Society of Hungarian Graphic Designers and Typographers (MATT) announces an international design competition entitled 'Goetheorie'.

The title Optics/Chromatics refers to a place where Goethe points out that unlike Newton he isn’t so much interested in the science of sight but rather in the theory of colours: he wants to demonstrate the way we actually experience colours, and not the way we are supposed to experience them according to the laws of mathematics. This debate is represented by the clash of the two letterform compositions: one is calculated, geometric, with sharp contours, the other relies on the impressionistic play of colourful shadows.

exhibited at Design Terminál, Budapest, 05 November 2010 – 09 January 2011
Donau Büro, Ulm, Germany, 04 July – 13 July 2014

co|show poster Biennale, Western Colorado Center for the Arts, USA, 2019


Silver A'Design Award 2018

Optics Chromatics poster

Pantone Plus Series

Limited-edition Artist Covers

PANTONE published new Artist Edition covers for a selection of its Plus Series guides. 
The Pantone Formula Guide and Pantone Solid Chips feature covers showcasing works of art from my project, “Optics/Chromatics.” To optimize visual impact, the Coated and Uncoated Formula Guide each feature one of the images, divided across the seven guides. The Solid Chip Coated and Uncoated binders each are wrapped in one of the works of art.
Creative Director: Karen Lantelme
Creative Manager and Designer: Timothy Heyer

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