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Erwin Wurm – Egyperces munkák

A szobrászat mint program

Erwin Wurm – One-Minute Works

Sculpture as a Programme

at Ludwig Museum Budapest, Hungary | 2018

Curator: Julia Fabényi & József Készman


Erwin Wurm might be the most well-known figure in the Austrian contemporary scene. According to his concept, the statue is not a thing in itself or not a thing that exists for itself, but the product of a timely creative process, an appropriately chosen and frozen moment—the result of an action executable by any creator in possession of the idea. For Wurm, the opportunity to represent works – the exhibition – is not only a situation, but a call for the creation of carefully pre-designed works and for their documentation. Sculpture as a possibility, also the distinction between the creator and the creative process are two ideas that accompany his series of works. He is trying to reformulate the basics of the general concept about sculpture. His attempt is to give an answer to questions regarding what makes an object, especially an everyday object, a sculpture. How does a giant cardboard box become a suit and what is the spectator’s role in the process of becoming a statue?


The exhibition’s graphic design puts a question mark behind the static state of the artist’s name and the typography while making an attempt to humorously involve the viewer in the interpretation process with the artist’s own method.

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