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Derkovits Gyula Fine Arts Scholarship and Pécsi József Photography Scholarship Exhibition |

Derkovits Gyula képzőművészeti és Pécsi József fotóművészeti ösztöndíjasok kiállítása  

at Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, Hungary | 2014

Curator: József Készman 


The Derkovits Gyula Fine Arts Scolarship is one of the oldest Hungarian art institutions, and in 2020 it was sixty-five years old.

"Its popularity is proven not only by the fact that nearly one and a half hundred artis apply for it every year, but also by the fact that a slang version of its name has evolved in popular parlance, namely "Derkó". This means much more than just "sch" or "math", "yummy" or "Balcsi", since it is not customary to give art prizes a nickname, especially not by deriving them from a personal name. As far as I know, the Oscar Prize did not become "Oszi", the Munkácsy Prize did not become "Muncsi", and the Kossuth Prize did not become "Kosi", but the Derkovits Prize became "Derkó", which is therefore in itself a brand name with a patina that belongs to Hungarian history after the Second World War.” (Extract from the opening speech by Bálint Szombathy)

The scholarship holders' exhibition gave an insight into the work of 26 young artists, along with the works of 9 Pécsi József Photography Scholarship holders. The exhibition, which presents a heterogeneous selection of works that may be related to each other, has therefore been given a flexible profile. Instead of an exhibition catalogue, a colourful fanzine was produced to accompany the young artists' reports.

© the artists